Meet Nansun Shi 施南生, Renowned Film Producer

Meet Nansun Shi 施南生, Renowned Film Producer
This experience has ended. It collected 131 volunteer hours.
Meet Nansun, internationally-recognized and award-winning film producer, who has contributed significantly to the Hong Kong cinema scene since the late 1970s.


Esteemed and prolific producer Nansun SHI has produced blockbuster hits such as The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate 3D (2011), Young Detective Dee – Rise of the Sea Dragon (2013) and The Taking of Tiger Mountain (2014). She was pivotal in the success of Cinema City and Film Workshop Co Ltd., which she founded with internationally-acclaimed Producer/Director TSUI Hark. Nansun was a member of the International Jury at the Berlin Film Festival in 2007 and at the Cannes Film Festival in 2011. In October 2013, the French Government honoured Nansun with the title of Officier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. In August, 2014, the 67th Locarno Film Festival honoured Nansun with the Premio Raimondo Rezzonico for Best Independent Producer. In May, 2015, the 17th Udine Far East Film Festival honoured Nansun with the Golden Mulberry Life Achievement Award. In October 2015, the 20th Busan International Film Festival honoured Nansun with the Marie Claire Asia Star Awards’ Special Achievement Award. Nansun is a Member of the Hong Kong Tourism Board and Vice Chairman of the End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation.

廣受電影業內人士尊敬的資深電影監製施南生曾製作多部賣座電影,包括《龍門飛甲3D》(2011),《狄仁傑之神都龍王》(2013)和《智取威虎山》(2014)。 施南生是新藝城電影公司的中心成員,及後與國際知名監製/導演徐克創辦了電影工作室。 施南生於2007年出任柏林電影節評審,亦於2011年擔任康城電影節的評審。 在2013年10月,獲法國政府頒授法國藝術與文學軍官勳章。 在2014年8月,獲第67屆瑞士羅加諾國際影展頒發最佳獨立製片人大獎。 在2015年5月,獲第17屆烏甸尼遠東電影節頒發「金桑樹終身成就獎」; 10月,獲第20屆釜山國際電影節-瑪麗嘉兒亞洲之星大獎頒發「特别成就獎」。施南生是香港旅遊發展局成員及護苗基金副主席。

Meet Nansun Shi 施南生, Renowned Film Producer
Lunch with Nansun Shi (30 Sep)

30 Sep 12:15pm

All places taken.

Lunch will be held at Dorsett Wanchai, Hong Kong on 30 Sep 2017 (Sat) at 12:15pm. Venue is generously sponsored by Dorsett Hospitality International.


All volunteer hours must be completed during 1 Apr 2017 to 20 Sept 2017.

Lunch will be held at Dorsett Wanchai, Hong Kong on 30 Sept 2017 (Sat) at 12:15pm.

Cost per person will be HK$200 to cover running cost of the program.

Big thank you to our venue sponsor Dorsett Hospitality International ( in making our work in encouraging volunteerism and serving more youth possible.

Photo credit:
Profile photo: Photo Courtesy of Teo Keng Ben, 相片由張景明提供
Cover photo: Berliner Kurier

Lunch with Nansun Shi (30 Sep)

30 Sep 12:15pm

All places taken.

Lunch will be held at Dorsett Wanchai, Hong Kong on 30 Sep 2017 (Sat) at 12:15pm. Venue is generously sponsored by Dorsett Hospitality International.

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Woah there!

This experience has not started yet :) It will start on Jul 30, 2017


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