Meet Anita Fung, Former CEO of HSBC

Meet Anita Fung, Former CEO of HSBC
This experience has ended. It collected 160 volunteer hours.
Meet Anita, the former HSBC Chief Executive who broke through the glass ceiling as the first female CEO in a fiercely competitive industry.


Ms Anita Fung is an independent non-executive director of Hong Kong Exchange & Clearing Limited (HKEX), with other positions held with HKEX included chairman of Project Oversight Committee, deputy chairman of Derivatives Market Consultative Panel, member of Audit Committee, Investment Advisory Committee and Nomination Committee. She is also a member of Disciplinary Appeals Committee of the Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited, an independent non-executive director of China Construction Bank Corporation and Hang Lung Properties Limited.

Ms Fung has over 30 years of experience in the banking sector. She is the first woman CEO of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) in Hong Kong. Prior to this role, she was the treasurer and head of global banking and markets for Asia Pacific of HSBC and group general manager of HSBC Holdings plc. She was also appointed as non-executive director of Hang Seng Bank Limited and Bank of Communications Co Ltd. Ms Fung has played an active role in public service. She is an independent non-executive board member of the Airport Authority Hong Kong, a non-official member of The Hong Kong Housing Authority, a member of Financial Infrastructure Sub-Committee of the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, a member of Museum Advisory Committee, a director of The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited and board member of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority. Ms Fung holds a Bachelor of Social Science degree from The University of Hong Kong and a Master of Science degree in Applied Finance from Macquarie University in Australia.

Meet Anita Fung, Former CEO of HSBC
Lunch with Anita Fung (21 Sep)

21 Sep 12:15pm

All places taken.

The event will be held on 21 September 2017 at 12:15pm at the Optiver in Central.


All volunteer hours must be completed during 1 May 2017 to 12 September 2017.

Lunch will be held at the Optiver Office in Central on 21 September 2017 at 12:15pm.

Cost per person is $150 to cover running cost of the program.

Lunch with Anita Fung (21 Sep)

21 Sep 12:15pm

All places taken.

The event will be held on 21 September 2017 at 12:15pm at the Optiver in Central.

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Woah there!

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