Meet Marie-Christine, Founder of Sports for Hope Foundation

Meet Marie-Christine, Founder of Sports for Hope Foundation
This experience has ended. It collected 119 volunteer hours.
Meet Marie-Christine Lee. Founder of Sports for Hope Foundation. Member of the eminent Lee Hysan property development family and much more.


Marie-Christine Lee is a member of the eminent Hong Kong based Lee Hysan property development family, she was born, educated here and in the U.S, grew up in Hong Kong. Through her philanthropic activities, she has made an on-going commitment to provide underprivileged youngsters with an education and opportunity to excel at sports. Personable, candid and super-fit, Marie comfortably juggles several different roles, including being a wife to her husband William, mother to 24 years-old Alastair who is reading his 3rd year Phd in Biochemistry at Oxford University and 22 years-old Alexandra, last year musician at Trinity Conservatory Of Music. For those who know her well, family, sports, entrepreneurship, directorship in public companies, charity, using her time efficiently are always her foremost priorities. Disciplined and goal-searching, from an early childhood Marie’s upbringing has had strong influence on how she relates to the contrasts in the world she sees around her. For instance, maximizing impact and smart philanthropy form a large part of her guiding principles. Marie is raised from a prominent family with intense philanthropic philosophy. For over 100 years the Lee family has been an integral part of Hong Kong, which in many ways is the story of Hong Kong, as well as a shaper of the metropolis. In the early 1900s, Marie’s grandfather Lee Hysan established his property business. Today, the Hysan family business is the largest commercial landlord in Causeway Bay. Lee Hysan Foundation, the family’s philanthropic area, is prominent for its sponsorships and supports in academic research, music and arts.

Although listed on the Hong Kong A-list for her glamour and elegance, rather than using her social standing to promote a new fashion collection or a range of expensive baubles, Marie is more inclined to use high-profile social occasions to introduce friends and donors to ways they can support charitable initiatives. Marie founded Sports for Hope Foundation in 2011 to provide funding to those youngsters with financial needs to pursue in sports. In 2011 when Marie kicked started Sports For Hope Foundation, she explained her rationale for cycling through an area where they have been several recent incidents of political unrest and protests, Marie says it is a matter of credibility. She says simply writing a cheque would project the wrong message. She also adds that by stepping outside her comfort zone, she hopes the young people would like to see benefit from her Foundation will be encouraged through her determination and dedication. The ripple effect provides motivation and enforces the commitment to continue supporting youth and sports education. It is also the sense of the potential: the possibilities that are created when resources, thought, energy and time can achieve so much in the present and possibilities for the future. Modestly referring to her philanthropic activities as “her duty” and “only natural”, she also sees a deeper connection between sport and education including positive self-identity and strengthened values. The benefit she believes individuals gain from sport is one of the reasons she has chosen to launch a new Sports for Hope Foundation. The Foundation she has set up to help talented Hong Kong youth from financially constrained backgrounds receive sports coaching at the highest level. The model of the foundation is characterized by a desire to invest long-term and thereby to create a sustainable landscape of opportunity. She hopes that through sport, young people will have the opportunity to develop in an environment that not only allows them to build sporting prowess, but also a positive outlook. It is about bridging a gap, personal development and fulfilment.” The three keywords in the Foundation’s mission statement is “Never-Give-Up” Having always been an entrepreneur herself, this message is a cornerstone of the personal philosophy that has gotten her where she is today. Ultimately, such positivity is sure to give beneficiaries a huge helping hand when it comes to bring a winner in life.

Meet Marie-Christine, Founder of Sports for Hope Foundation
Tea Tasting Session with Marie-Christine

17 Jun 2:45pm

All places taken.

Enjoy a tea-tasting session of Or-tea?™, a premium specialty tea brand reflecting Chinese heritage in millennia-old tradition, a pioneering brand that Marie-Christine is involved in. Feel free to chat with Marie-Christine on philanthropy, branding, or anything you'd like to ask. Tea session will be held on June 17th 3PM.


All volunteer hours are required to be completed during 1 Feb 2017 to 17 June 2017.

Tea session will be held on June 17th 2017 at 3PM.

2/2 redeemable seats for Hands-On x Time Auction serve-a-thon campaign.

Tea Tasting Session with Marie-Christine

17 Jun 2:45pm

All places taken.

Enjoy a tea-tasting session of Or-tea?™, a premium specialty tea brand reflecting Chinese heritage in millennia-old tradition, a pioneering brand that Marie-Christine is involved in. Feel free to chat with Marie-Christine on philanthropy, branding, or anything you'd like to ask. Tea session will be held on June 17th 3PM.

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