Time Auction 獎勵合作夥伴

STEP OUT Studios

義工可以在任何非牟利組織的服務時數兌換STEP OUT Studios捐贈的獎勵!


"Step Out. Fail. Grow." is our core value.

STEP OUT Studios is ambitious to rise and showcase the opportunities and infinite possibilities of performing arts.
Constituted of two departments: PRODUCTION and ACADEMY.

We produce impressive performances with quality and uniqueness in diverse forms. We also provide all-round platforms for people at all age to continue their interest, to learn, to enjoy, to inspire and to be inspired.

The possibilities of performing arts are infinite.
There are no boundaries in arts.
We are here to encourage people to find their true selves through performing arts.



踢躂舞初級班 Tap Dance Beginners' Course by STEP OUT Studios (April-June)

Find your steps in this place that believes everyone can tap dance!


以50 義工時數換取

親子.踢躂舞體驗班 Tap Dance Trial Class for Parents & Kids by STEP OUT Studios (25 Feb)

Find your steps in this place that believes everyone can tap dance!


以2 義工時數換取



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