Time Auction 獎勵合作夥伴

Outdoor Holiday HK Limited

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We are a premium travel consultancy that seek to differentiate ourselves with contents of greater depth, authenticity and balance.  We believe that in this modern age of technology where people fall easily into echo chambers fed with predetermined views filtered by obscure algorithms, travel is an invaluable , irreplaceable and genuine opportunity to connect.

Travel is above all a journey of personal growth.  People travel for different reasons, each have their own needs and whims.  We do not believe in rigid itineraries nor wholesale industry practices that compromise individuality.  We invite you to indulge your curiosity about the world exactly how you want it.



'Spring is in the air, let’s take the ride!' tour for 2 with Outdoor Holiday HK Limited

Enjoy spring with open-air museum and butterflies!


以15 義工時數換取

Old Hong Kong Meets Instagram for 2 with Outdoor Holiday HK Limited

Explore old Hong Kong and take awesome photos for social media content!


以12 義工時數換取

Christmas in the Sky for 2 with Outdoor Holiday HK Limited

Visit Sky 100 and enjoy afternoon tea to celebrate the festive season!


以15 義工時數換取

Tour at The Peak - a Rejuvenated Icon for 2 (12 Nov)

Take advantage of Hong Kong’s best hiking season, soak in the timeless harbour views and feast your Instagram account at photo hotspots.


以10 義工時數換取



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