Develop a CRM computer program that could make our daily workflow and communication more efficient
Currently all clients' booking, room reservation, checking and information are done manually so it takes much time to daily input on the excel file. If we create a CRM so the client can directly input their information and we can check easily.
(1) Explanation the flow of the current manually booking system (2) Q &A with our administrators on daily workload
This computer program can smooth out daily workflow and create a better communication between the office staffs, allowing us to organise and manage client's information easily and accurately.
15 May 2021 - 14 Jul 2021
每週 8 小時
ReSource The Counselling Centre was established almost 50 years ago as a registered charitable organisation offering multi-lingual professional counselling service for people residing in Hong Kong. We offer confidential and professional mental health services such as counselling to individuals, couples, and families, as well as support clients who are in crisis or those with more severe mental illnesses. ReSource aims to empower clients in dealing with their problems and developing their potential. A sliding fee scale provides affordable counselling to all clients.
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