Digital Marketing Advisor

To review and offer advices and analysis for our e-learning platform's marketing strategy to increase popularity and subscribers

Digital Marketing Advisor

Posted almost 3 years ago. Application closed.



  • Discuss with tutors and staff to ensure smooth implementation of the marketing plan
  • Review on our current marketing plan of an online learning platform and provide your valuable and professional comments to grow and engage our target audiences
  • Advise on which social media platform to prioritise and focus on, and what content should be distributed to which platform (no content creation required)
  • Teach and offer advices to our team about social media ad campaign management
  • Experiences related to running online courses and/or social media platforms are preferable

Link Education is a social enterprise which aims to have social efficacy by providing schools and institutions with different services. We strive to facilitate the communication between schools and parents, and strengthen SEN students’ social network. We hope to create a caring and inclusive environment. LearnYeah is a local online learning platform under Link Education. We provide online courses related to education, mental health, psychology and more in the future to encourage more people in the education and social work sector to have further studies.


Our colleagues in charge of social media operation (including Facebook and Instagram), image design and video shooting could provide relevant assistance.


We hope that the candidate could offer advice regarding marketing planning, so that more people in the education and social work sector could learn about our online learning platform, and subsequently choose to purchase courses on our platform for further studies.


30 Sep 2021 - 31 Dec 2021


Kowloon Bay or Remote



每月 10 小時

  • 網絡營銷
  • 搜尋引擎行銷
  • 社交媒體審核
  • 社交媒體市場營銷
  • 營銷顧問
  • 市場策略
  • 線上營銷
  • 整合營銷
  • 社交媒體廣告系列
  • 社交媒體策略
  • 中文(廣東話)
Age Range


Link Education Limited



As a social enterprise, we aim to have social efficacy by providing schools and institutions with different services. We believe that each individual is unique. Everyone is born to shine. Students with SENs seem to have to pay more efforts than others in order to shine. Rather than their own efforts, a supportive environment is of more importance. We believe, with the understanding and acceptance from society and schools, support from parents, skills and knowledge from the professionals, and encouragement from peers, every student with SENs can be a shiny star. Therefore, we not only provide tailor-made courses for students, but also strive to facilitate the communication between schools and parents, and strengthen SEN students’ social network. We further take up a social responsibility by recruiting SEN students. We hope to create a caring and inclusive environment.

Digital Marketing Advisor

10 hours per month, 3 個月

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