Help us to enroll Migrant Domestic Workers as students for the new term in-person
Twice a year, EmpowerU has an open enrollment an info day for our programs so that Migrant Domestic Workers can learn about our course offerings, general program, and enroll in the courses for the term.
We will provide background information, answers to FAQs, brief training on how to do the enrollment using our online system, and laptops that can be used to facilitate enrollment.
These enrollment/info days are important for the organization because they are where we sign up new students, re-enroll existing students, and build our community.
05 Sep 2021 - 05 Sep 2021
The University of Hong Kong
一共 2 小時
Swire Trust Go-Givers Program aims to encourage skilled volunteers to support Swire Trust NGO partners in education, marine conservation, and arts.
From now until 2025, 10 outstanding volunteers will be selected annually as the “Swire Trust Go-Givers of the Year" with special and empowering rewards. 40 volunteers who contribute the highest number of hours annually will also be recognised! Meet our previous Go-Givers here and view the rewards here.
Our mission is to provide high-quality education to those on the margins, so they can use their voice to create a better future.
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