Reinvent Yourself to Prepare Ahead— Dinner with Datuk Nicol David, Eight-Time World Squash Champion

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Dinner with Nicol has raised 231 volunteer hours!

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their lives and career.

“Be prepared to reinvent yourself.”

Change is the only constant in life. Don’t get too comfortable and be ready for changes. Nicol David, one of the most decorated athletes of a generation who has broken a succession of remarkable records during her career to date, told us the importance of constant reinvention and improvement of oneself to prepare for unknown changes ahead of life.

Meet Datuk Nicol David!

Nicol David, the eight-time world squash champion and also the longest-reigning world No.1 player, has been awarded the World Squash Association (WSA) Player of the Year on seven occasions and as voted in a public poll by Professional Squash Association (PSA) as ‘The Greatest Of All Times’ female squash player’. She is well-known for being a powerhouse female and empowering young girls to explore their love for sports.

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Be Kind to Yourself

“Be as kind to yourself as you are hard on yourself.”

Having been the World №1 for 109 consecutive months with 8 World Championship Titles, 5 British Open Titles, and 81 PSA Titles, the Penang-born superstar started her glittering career in 2001 when she won the World Junior title for the second time, becoming the first player of either gender to achieve the feat.

Later on, in 2005, her victory in the World Championship catapulted Nicol to the top of the World Rankings for the very first time in her career. Her dropping to №2 later that year, instead of giving her a slap in the face, propelled her to seize further six wins, including the successful defence of her World title in 2006 and her regaining the World №1 spot — a position she then held from 2006–2015, overtaking Susan Devoy’s record of 105 months.

Sadly, success always hugs you in private but failure always slaps you in public. Instead of taking something we have achieved before for granted, Nicol reminded us of the importance of viewing each success individually and giving yourself enough credits for that. Understand yourself. Love yourself. Appreciate yourself. It all starts with yourself.

Be kind and gentle with yourself. Bear in mind that you are just as worthy of your kindness.

Be eager to improve

Change is inevitable but growth is optional. Nicol shared with us her favorite superpower that she hoped to gain overnight — the ability to learn things as quickly and as easily as a snap of the fingers.

“I love to learn more and improve myself in anyways to be prepared for anything in life.”

Other than her prominent career in sports, Nicol excelled at school as well, gaining seven A’s for her Penilaian Menengah Rendah and another seven A’s in her Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, completing her secondary education from the Convent Green Lane Secondary School, Penang.

Winning the world junior once or even ranking №1 for one month, to many of us, is already like a dream comes true. We might end up being satisfied and simply give this item a tick on the bucket list. That’s it! But Nicol has gone on to achieve so many much more, from her career as a professional athlete for competitive squash to her recent retired life on giving back to the sport that has made her a household name.

The eight-time world champion is working closely with the Professional Squash Association (PSA) to raise awareness of the sports globally and to build a support team for professional athletes. She is in the midst of setting up the Nicol David Foundation, which is aimed at empowering girls through sports while improving their study and soft skills.

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A challenge for the day — SHINE the way you truly are

When asked about the action to take away from meeting her, Nicol highlighted the importance of self-belief. No one else is you and that is your power. Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.

“You all have something to offer and go out to shine the way you truly are.”

Believe in yourself is the first secret to success. Realize your potential and settle for nothing else. Nicol encouraged us all to cast away our self-doubt and fear to let our hidden potential dazzle with brilliance!

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Thank you so much to Nicol for raising 190 volunteer hours and all the volunteers who dedicated their hours for charities such as UNHCR, EPIC Homes, Dignity for Children Kuala Lumpur and more!

Special thanks to Time Auction Kuala Lumpur’s City Sponsor — Fave!

For more amazing opportunities, visit Time Auction Kuala Lumpur to volunteer and meet inspiring mentors!

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium:

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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