John Ho is the Founder and Chief Industrialist Investor of Janchor Partners, with approximately US$5 billion of assets under management.
John served as Chairman (2017-2019) of Bellamy’s Australia Limited, an organic infant milk formula and baby food company where John led a Board and management renewal and ultimately brought about a...
Cost per person is HK$50 (Full-time students aged 25 or below)/ HK$100 (General Participants) to support the running costs of our charity and our mission to make volunteerism mainstream.
The experience may be rescheduled or hosted online with consideration of the social distancing restrictions due to COVID-19. A new date and time will be communicated with the participants.
If you're joining as a donor, please note that donations are not refundable. If the event is rescheduled or hosted online and you can't make it, you reserve the right to choose another experience to attend within 6 months.
Please read our Late Cancellations & No Show Policy before applying:
Special thanks to the Hive for sponsoring the venue!
This experience has not started yet :) It will start on Jun 30, 2021
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