Healthcare Worker (BMD Scan) - 20 Sep

Use an ultra-sound scanner to conduct a bone mass density scan at an event (training provided)

Healthcare Worker (BMD Scan) - 20 Sep
Community Development

Posted over 3 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Healthcare professionals are preferred. but volunteers with no experiences are welcome to apply too! We will be providing training a week prior to the project
  • Use and operate the newest MiniOmni Bone Mass Density Scan, which is an ultra-sound technology that could measure the wrist-bone's density
  • 運用最新的 MiniOmni 骨質疏鬆檢測儀,以超聲波的原 理於手腕橈骨測量骨質密度
  • Explain the result of T-Score / Z-Score and provide advices on healthy bone diet and exercises
  • Be patient and enjoy interacting and talk with elderlies

It's a BMD scanning event for The Salvation Amy Lai King Home residents.

What we have

We will provide training on osteoporosis and how to use the ultra sound scanner before the event

Why this is important

This is one of Silveriders' core business activities.

Project Period

08 Sep 2021 - 20 Sep 2021


200-210 Lai King Hill Road, Kwai Chung

Team Project

You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.

Honorarium available upon completion



5 hours in total

  • Event Production
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
Age Range

About the Organization

Silveriders Limited


Community Development
What we do

Silveriders provides health screening services for people from different walks of life, helping participants reducing the risk of suffering from various chronic diseases, especially for the elderly, by identifying the potential health risk factors. We have consolidated community connections through cooperating with different community organizations to hold health talks and provide screening services. Currently we focus on two main screening products: Ultrasound bone mass density screening and Atrial Fibrillation screening.

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