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🎁 以義工時數兌換獎勵


Meet Frank Wong, President of Scholastic Asia

Meet Frank Wong, President of Scholastic Asia - a leader in youth education!

19 Oct 2024 03:00pm

以10 義工時數換取

傳統刺繡一天體驗班 ONE-DAY EMBROIDERY EXPERIENCE at YLYstudio Workshop (Jul-Oct 2024)

Experience a day of embroidery from needle ribbon to linen art.

以12 義工時數換取

Mindful Woodworking Workshop at A Collective Space

Embrace the calming power of woodworking, where slow breaths and mindful craft converge in serene tranquility. 🌿

以30 義工時數換取

One-Day Free Pass at The Work Project Midtown

Work happily at a gorgeous co-working space!

以8 義工時數換取

Macramé Crossbody Phone Strap Workshop at Loveless Knots

Handcraft your own unique phone straps with recycled cotton cords through the timeless art of Macramé!

以10 義工時數換取

小小獵腸狗刺繡工作坊 Dachshund Embroidery Workshop with Nambroidery (Jun 2024)

Jazz up your Sundays with Dachshund Embroidery at Nambroidery – stitch, style, and smile!

以12 義工時數換取

Trampoline dance at LA FIT REBOUND STUDIO (Jul-Oct 2024)

Rebound workouts are the most exciting and fun workout you’ll ever take part in!

以5 義工時數換取

#1HourWith Sangeeth, EY's Partner - International Tax and Transaction Services - Transfer Pricing

Have a virtual call with Sangeeth, Partner at EY, with over 17 years of experience in tax policy, planning, implementation and controversy for a broad spectrum of clients.

以10 義工時數換取

60-Minute Bespoke Facial or Massage Treatment at THIA Wellness- Urban (May - Aug 2024)

Loosen up through a combination of alchemical techniques from the ancients, along with cutting edge skincare formulas.

以45 義工時數換取

Project Melo 成員已貢獻了 5,057 義工時數


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