Time Auction 獎勵合作夥伴

Stories Coffee & Memories Ceramics HK

義工可以在任何非牟利組織的服務時數兌換Stories Coffee & Memories Ceramics HK捐贈的獎勵!


Every cup of coffee has a different story, Alike every individual and their background story.

Specialty coffee brings a new meaning to today’s generation. It symbolises leisure and class, and a way to experience one of the elements to quality of life. Enthusiasts often share their lifestyles through coffee. And through these interactions, it creates new stories between people. 

In 2016 Stories Coffee started with drip bag coffee, allowing the busy lives of people living in a fast-paced city to easily enjoy a quality cup of coffee and the pleasure it brings. 

Stories Coffee started only as an online shop and the brand has now developed into selling at different retail stores and also supplying its products at coffee shops. Products include drip bags, coffee beans and cold brew. We provide coffee beans from different countries and a wide variety of coffee farms. The coffee beans are then roasted in Taiwan, creating specialty coffee, high quality to awarded with COE.

Abby Kwong one of the founders of Stories Coffee, has worked at many different coffee shops and has a deep devotion to pour over coffee. She has also spent a significant amount of time in Taiwan studying its coffee culture. And achieving numerous international recognised certificates in coffee. Abby and its founders are hoping Stories Coffee’s specialty coffee can share the different stories to other coffee enthusiasts. 



坪洲桑葉茶園 x 烘焙咖啡體驗工作坊 with Stories Coffee & Memories Ceramics HK (Sep 2024)

Escape city stress by visiting Peng Chau's "hidden gem" for a relaxing holiday getaway.


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