Time Auction 獎勵合作夥伴




PCMA is a school dedicated to developing students' self-defense skills. We believe that learning self-defense not only enhances physical fitness and skills but also cultivates resilience, the right values, and transforms individuals into confident, responsible beings.

Our school offers comprehensive self-defense training, integrating various techniques and tactics, including wingchun martial arts and weapon handling. Our training courses are led by a team of professional instructors with extensive real-world experience and teaching skills, ensuring a professional and safe training environment for students.

Moreover, we emphasize cultivating students' self-discipline and moral values. Beyond technical learning, we focus on character building. Through self-defense, students learn important values such as respect for others, responsibility, perseverance, and confidence, which have a profound impact on their growth and life.



Wing Chun Self Defense Workshop at PCMA (Oct 2024 - Jan 2025)

Gain understanding to your body and proper skills to protect yourself with Wing Chun.

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Wing Chun Self Defense Workshop at PCMA (Sep-Dec 2024)

Gain understanding to your body and proper skills to protect yourself with Wing Chun.


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Wing Chun Self Defense Workshop at PCMA (Jun-Sep 2024)

Gain understanding to your body and proper skills to protect yourself with Wing Chun.


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Wing Chun Self Defense Workshop at PCMA (Jan-Apr 2024)

Gain understanding to your body and proper skills to protect yourself with Wing Chun.


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Wing Chun Self Defense Workshop at PCMA

Gain understanding to your body and proper skills to protect yourself with Wing Chun.


以5 義工時數換取



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