Time Auction 獎勵合作夥伴

Music Lab

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A Voice Onstage, A Message Offstage. 

Music evokes our emotions and conveys sounds of thoughts. The performer is the reader, listener the thinker, music the book of thoughts.

Founded in 2013, Music Lab is a non-profit organisation that believes in the value of performance, of its power to connect with people and its influence by sharing ideas and thoughts. Music Lab values and promotes local artists who strive for artistic excellence and follow their passion. Serving as a collaborative platform, Music Lab unites artists and adds diversity to our city's arts scene by pouring old wine into new bottles.

Music Lab insists on the relevance of music to our society on and off the stage. On stage, Music Lab is dedicated to provide enriching concert experiences. Off stage, Music Lab intends to convey messages to our society via the exploration of societal issues and cultural meaning through our innovative productions.



Ticket for KJ黃家正鋼琴獨奏會: 全心巴哈,全意莫札特 KJ Wong Piano Recital: Mostly Bach, All Mozart by Music Lab (23 June)

An evening of captivating piano mastery of Mozart and Bach by KJ Wong awaits you!


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Ticket for Cy Leo: The Aromas of Tango (18 June) by Music Lab

Experience the rhythmic blend of tango and jazz inspired by the enchanting qualities of wine.


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