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Karen Aruba Studio

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Karen Aruba is a self-taught illustrator based in Hong Kong specializing in sketching related to travel and cultural theme. With a passion for art, she derives inspiration from everything she comes across by incorporating themes of energy, peace and happiness.

She is also an event specialist with profound experiences from concept ideas to final execution in collaboration with international brands, corporates, associations and NGO.

Her art brand, ‘Karen Aruba Art’ built up in 2016, is inspired by the year she spent as a child in Aruba with her mother’s family. Aruba is a tiny Dutch Caribbean island known as ‘One Happy Island’, a cheerful island full of happiness and energy.

Karen Aruba Art comes from a longstanding line of mahjong craftsmanship. The artist’s grandfather made a living making the sets. Karen’s popular family story, ‘A Mahjong Story’, is an intimate tale intricately linked with Hong Kong art & culture, showcasing how this city’s traditional mahjong craftsmanship integrated with artistry. Her well known “A Mahjong Story” illustrations have bridged the gap between traditional cultures and modern lifestyles and passes the skills and know-how from the old generation to the new. Her involvement in the design of mahjong garnered a number of awards.

Karen keeps the ‘Art of Mahjong Craft’ spirit alive with a number of ventures, with the art studio reinvented in JCCAC the latest effort to revive this old tradition with a modern twist, fully supported by her father Master Ricky Cheung. Click here to read more about Karen Aruba Studio

Since 2015, Karen has embarked her personal ‘Care & Love Charity Campaign’ which helps the vulnerable in consecutive years, those people who need greater support through her arts and passion with donation made to different charity organizations along valuable and sustainable principles.

‘Art is a process of creation. We create happiness with heART’ – Karen Aruba Art



Mahjong Tiles Coloring Workshop at Karen Aruba Studio (2023 Q4)

Color your own mahjong tiles while appreciating Hong Kong’s revered tradition of mahjong craftsmanship!


以20 義工時數換取

Mahjong Tiles Coloring Workshop at Karen Aruba Studio

Color your own mahjong tiles while appreciating Hong Kong’s revered tradition of mahjong craftsmanship!


以15 義工時數換取

Mahjong Tiles Coloring Workshop at Karen Aruba Studio (25 June)

Color your own mahjong tiles while appreciating Hong Kong’s revered tradition of mahjong craftsmanship!


以15 義工時數換取



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