Time Auction 獎勵合作夥伴

Hong Kong Community Heritage Foundation Limited

義工可以在任何非牟利組織的服務時數兌換Hong Kong Community Heritage Foundation Limited捐贈的獎勵!


The Hong Kong Community Heritage Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that advocates for more proactive preservation and sustainable adaptive reuse of heritage architecture in Hong Kong.

We feel a strong sense of responsibility to preserve our built heritage so that our future generations may enjoy them. We initiate meaningful action to conserve and utilize historic architecture. We step in to offer help to heritage architecture owners. We connect with likeminded organizations around the globe to share and transfer knowhow with each other. All these approaches serve to advance the cause of heritage conservation, as a gift that current generations leave for the future.



村落露營之夕酒朝啡 Village Camping: PM Wine, AM Coffee with Hong Kong Community Heritage Foundation Limited

Sip, camp, and savor Hong Kong’s natural flavors. From farm to cup! 🏕️🍷


以12 義工時數換取

鎖羅盆自然學堂 Nature Tour at the Enchanted Village of So Lo Pun with Hong Kong Community Heritage Foundation Limited

Discover Sha Tau Kok’s Secrets! Join the one-day nature adventure: hidden plants, leaf prints, and village tales. 🌳


以8 義工時數換取

鄉郊善遊 — (荔枝窩大清潔日 X 原創實地LARP) Do Good Tour — (Village Cleaning X Original LARP) with Hong Kong Community Heritage Foundation Limited

"Village Cleanup" and "LARP Adventure" in Lai Chi Wo, experience the thrill of sustainable tourism and local culture!


以8 義工時數換取

梅子林森林村落露營 Village Camping in Mui Tsz Lam with Hong Kong Community Heritage Foundation Limited

"Village Camping" in Mui Tsz Lam, enjoy the outdoor cooking experience!


以20 義工時數換取



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