Time Auction 獎勵合作夥伴

Hong Kong Arts Centre

義工可以在任何非牟利組織的服務時數兌換Hong Kong Arts Centre捐贈的獎勵!


Since 1977, the Hong Kong Arts Centre (HKAC) has been a platform for nurturing and supporting artists, and infusing art into everyday life. Its unique arts and educational programmes aim to make the arts accessible for all. The HKAC believes in the transformational power of art for people from all walks of life. Established more than four decades ago, the HKAC bring art to the people of Hong Kong – by presenting programmes for visual arts, performing arts, moving images and media arts, comics and animation. Other areas also cover arts education, conferences, festivals, public art and community projects, all done with the vision and mission of engaging and inspiring creativity in the Hong Kong community.

In 2000, HKAC founded its educational arm, Hong Kong Art School (HKAS). The HKAS provides award-bearing programmes to nurture artists and art practitioners, as well as short enrichment courses for the general public. The HKAC aspires to engage everyone in the community to become an active participant in the arts – as an enthusiast, an artist or a patron.

Let’s continue to embrace ‘Art for Passion, Art for Life, Art for All’, and share the inspiration.



Experimental Theatre《Sunshower》for 2 at Hong Kong Arts Centre (7 Oct)

Explore the self-growth through the journey of chase and search in this show!


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Experimental Theatre《Sunshower》for 2 at Hong Kong Arts Centre (8 Oct)

Explore the self-growth through the journey of chase and search in this show!


以10 義工時數換取



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