Time Auction 獎勵合作夥伴

Effective Altruism Hong Kong

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As part of the broader effective altruism community, Effective Altruism Hong Kong (EAHK) as the leading local chapter in Asia, is dedicated to building a community of people who seek to continuously investigate what "do the most good" means, through applying evidence and careful reasoning. 

This translates into practical actions, from figuring out the most important problems to solve, effective charities to donate to, and career paths to enter to solve these problems.

We promote the ideas that: 

1. We are in a unique position to do good, and that it is important for us to care.
2. Through rational decision making, we can make a much bigger difference.
3. We can, and do, enjoy being a positive force!



Panel Discussion With Peter Singer — Effective Altruism: Rethinking How We Do Good (1 Nov 2024)

Engage in thought-provoking conversations and learn how to maximize your efforts for the greater good!


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