Time Auction 獎勵合作夥伴




clincolour在2021年7月中成立,clincolour = clinic + colour,為你「診斷」最合適的顏色,並「製作」你的專屬藝術作品,Colouring Your Life!

我們以顏色聯乘藝術為主題,除了提供專業色彩分析服務,並讓你透過藝術創作,更了解自己的喜好。運用色彩碰撞,讓生活變得更加多姿多彩!合適的顏色讓你外在散發出光芒丶呈現出更年輕及具魅力的一面; 助你內在建立自信,改善情緒;更可透過製作你的專屬藝術作品,讓情緒流動,療癒心靈。


clincolour was established in mid-July 2021, clincolour = clinic + colour, to "diagnose" the most suitable colour palette for you, and "make" your exclusive works of art, Colouring Your life!
With the theme of colour featuring with art, we not only provide professional colour analysis services, but also allow you to better understand your preferences through artistic creation. Use the collision of colour to make life more colourful! The best colour allows you to show a younger and more attractive side; helps you build self-confidence; you can also make your own works of art to let emotions flow and heal your soul.
It's better to visit clincolour and spend about an hour. Through clincolour's professional color analysis and art workshops, you can learn to use colour to build self-confidence, enrich yourself, and make life more colourful from your belongings, including clothes and accessories, to home furnishings!



Professional Colour Analysis x Mini Pour Painting Piggy Bank Workshop at clincolour (May-Aug 2024)

Find your colour type and make a piggy bank with it!

以10 義工時數換取

Professional Colour Analysis x Mini Pour Painting Piggy Bank Workshop at clincolour (Feb-May 2024)

Find your colour type and make a piggy bank with it!


以10 義工時數換取

Professional Colour Analysis x Mini Pour Painting Piggy Bank Workshop at clincolour (Nov 2023 - Feb 2024)

Find your colour type and make a piggy bank with it!


以10 義工時數換取

Professional Colour Analysis x Mini Pour Painting Piggy Bank Workshop at clincolour (Aug 2023)

Find your colour type and make a piggy bank with it!


以10 義工時數換取

Professional Colour Analysis x Mini Pour Painting Piggy Bank Workshop at clincolour

Find your colour type and make a piggy bank with it!


以10 義工時數換取



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