Conduct surveys about 'wheelchair user travel' at high foot traffic areas on weekdays
We're recruiting volunteer surveyors on "Wheelchair Users Travel", volunteers would reach out to passersby and promote the survey to them.
Volunteer passes and vests may be provided. Subject to availability.
The survey we're conducting is designed to gather essential insights on the accessibility of Hong Kong’s public transport system for persons with disabilities (PWDs), their caregivers, and the general public. The results will be used to advocate for improved transport policies, raise public awareness, and present actionable recommendations during our March Press Conference.本調查旨在收集關於香港公共交通系統的無障礙狀況的關鍵意見,特別針對輪椅使用者、照顧者及公眾。結果將用於倡導改善交通政策、提高社會大眾對無障礙出行的認識,並於三月記者招待會上提出具體建議。
01 Mar 2025 - 16 Mar 2025
Hong Kong
一共 2 小時
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