Looking for professionals in social media marketing to advise on youth's project who may have little experience but passionate about the industry
We are having a project that needs professionals in creative industry like directors, musics producers to be the mentors to provide some advice for the youth with little experience yet passionate in creative industry. We are flexible and open to any ways of collaboration.
Our team will guide you through the process and will match you with one of our youths for you to mentor.
Under Production, established in 2015, has devoted to continuously bring new blood to the creative industry. Believe in the youth’s power and creativity, Under Production acts as a platform that equip the youth with practical skills and job opportunities.
15 Feb 2022 - 15 May 2022
每月 3 小時
/Under Production 陸續出版/ Under Production 於 2015 年成立,屬一群充滿創作熱誠和夢想之團隊,協助團隊成員接洽相關工作及出版自家團隊產品。成員包括香港年輕設計師、藝術工作者及創作人,服務主要包括平面設計、書籍出版、自家設計產品、創意數碼科技、原創音樂創作及主題微電影等。我們致力提供一個讓青年/半職創作人,透過實戰去展示其技能的創意平台。 /願景/ 透過培育人才,為本地創意產業注入新⾎,推動業界蓬勃發展 /使命/ 為有意投⾝身創意產業的年輕人,安排實習機會,參與相關項⽬及活動
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