Looking for volunteers who are keen to connect and offer guidance to youths' life planning
The Child Development Fund Project serves youths from less privileged family background. We aspire to develop youths’ life planning and personal growth through experiential activities and mentorship programs.
Training related to youths’ developmental needs, ways to do life-planning for youths and financial management skill will be provided to mentors. Fun social gathering will be held for relaxation and bonding of the community.
Mentors can utilise their lived experience to share their own journey in life-planning with youths and support the youths on personal level.
14 May 2022 - 25 Jun 2023
To Kwa Wan
每月 1 小時
The Chile Development Fund project is now recruiting mentors who are motivated to care for youths’ personal development. The mentors will be providing life-planning guidance to youths and will be invited to share their skills and experiences on workshops
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