To offer your professional advices and lead our fundraising team
The Foundation is committed to promoting the empowerment and inclusion of the SENs in Hong Kong through community projects, alternative learning opportunities and research-based advocacy. We are working on fundraising campaigns for upcoming projects which include a disability scholarship and experiential programmes.
Background of the foundation and relevant toolkits
The success of the fundraising activities will offer us financial support for our work in the coming 2 years to further advocate our mission in SEN empowerment.
01 May 2022 - 31 Jan 2023
一共 10 小時
The Special Educational Needs Foundation (SEN Foundation 彼學會) is a Hong Kong Tax-Exempt Charity (IRD 91/17696). We aim to serve the needs of the students with SENs in Hong Kong that are not accommodated today in the established institutions. Our mission is: 1. To Formalise a community to fulfil the needs of the SENs that are not accommodated today in the established institution. 2. To provide alternative learning opportunities for the SENs to encourage self and mutual empowerment. 3. To provide legal and communicational support to ensure the SENs in getting their entitled learning/working provisions. 4. To educate the society about the SENs. 5. To destigmatise the SENs and make the society more inclusive and liveable for them. We are currently recruiting all sorts of volunteers who are passionate about SEN services to join our growing team.
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