Hong Kong Fellow

Looking for university students to help our legal and capacity building projects for migrant domestic workers

Hong Kong Fellow

Posted 11 個月 ago. Application closed.



  • Handle real migrant domestic worker cases, conduct case analysis and client interviews
  • Assist with strategic legal research on labour rights of migrant domestic workers, legal frameworks on MDWs in SE Asia
  • Assist training programmes for MDWs on material development, on-site group facilitation and evaluation
  • All tasks are delegated based on your availability and capacity, you'll be working very closely with the team
  • Aside from law, students pursuing a bachelor degree in social sciences and other related disciplines are welcome
  • Speaking, reading, and writing ability in Tagalog, Bahasa Indonesia, Nepali, or Thai is a plus
  • Please also submit a one-page statement of interest, CV, and a writing sample of no more than 10 pages to Ms. Jaime Wong at jaime@forjusticewithoutborders.org following this application
  • Fellows are welcome to join us part time (1.5-2 days) or full time and should at least commit for three months for a meaningful engagement
  • Regular mentoring will be provided for those building experience

Fellows will engage in legal and capacity-building projects on behalf of migrant domestic workers who have been victims of labour and financial exploitation, discrimination, or survivors of abuse. As a Fellow, you will take an active role in one or more projects, including preparing cases for litigation, conducting strategic legal research, and preparing and participating in training workshops. You will also have the opportunity to work closely with our colleagues and partners across Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore.


Writing, branding guidelines and access to previous collaterals will be provided. Volunteers should have their own laptops with Microsoft Office products and the ability to communicate via web applications (email, calendar) throughout the day.


We believe everyone has a right to equal access to justice, no matter their race, class, or gender. While Hong Kong’s legal systems provide good mechanisms to seek redress, they are not built for easy cross-border access. Some MDWs may give up their claims due to poor financial resources or knowledge of their rights or legal options available. JWB aims to plug in this loophole by improving access to justice for MDWs through 2 aspects: 1) Impactful Litigation and 2) Capacity building.1) We coordinate with MDW unions, NGOs and pro bono lawyers of both home and working countries, to provide free legal advice, guidance and, representation for exploited migrant workers; so they can gain rightful compensation even after they return home. 2) By training MDW unions on casework skills, we hope to empower more MDWs to help their own sisters and communities. More trainees means more capacity to take up cases and reduce waiting time for clients. All in all, we hope to put a stop to the culture of impunity by empowering MDWs to hold their abusers accountable and secure just compensation; and building larger networks on pro bono legal aid for more people in need.


01 Jun 2024 - 31 Dec 2024







每週 10 小時

  • 寫作
  • 信息圖設計
  • 法律研究
  • 法律文件撰寫
  • 攝影
  • 社交媒體文案撰寫
  • 社區外展
  • 學生
  • 英文


Justice Without Borders




Founded in 2013, Justice Without Borders (JWB) is a regional non-profit advancing transnational access to legal assistance for migrant workers. Focusing on those who have suffered labor exploitation and human trafficking, we address the unique strategic and logistical issues that lawyers and clients face in bringing cross-border claims. We also work to scale up our impact by imparting our expertise to a growing network of frontline NGOs, law firm partners, and government agencies, so others can take on the work of cross-border access to justice. Justice Without Borders, because justice should be just as mobile as migrant workers. For more information, please visit: Website: www.forjusticewithoutborders.org LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/forjwb Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/forJWB Twitter: https://twitter.com/forJWB


Hong Kong Fellow

10 hours per week, 7 個月

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