Pop Up Stall Assistant

Provide crucial short term daily support for our charity stall team

Pop Up Stall Assistant

Posted 多過 1 年 ago. Application closed.



  • Join us for a briefing call to learn about our organisation and the charity stall
  • Help us to organise the stock/merches
  • Offer customer service support
  • Help with the cashier
  • Handle customers' queries
  • Volunteers can take up more than one time slot per day

We are looking for volunteers to offer support for our charity stall that sells Kindness Matters merch and coffee beans, offering fundraising and employment opportunities.


The support of the volunteers is especially significant for us to run our social enterprise and support more people experiencing homelessness. The volunteer will help us in connecting and building relationships with the West Kowloon community. We will provide back end support and trainings for the volunteers.


The charity stall provides employment opportunities for our friends with homeless experience and also the profit will help support our services. At ImpactHK, we have a vision for an inclusive Hong Kong where everyone has a safe place to call home and cares for their neighbour. We work with people experiencing homelessness to help them settle in a safe home, restore their mental and physical wellbeing, build their self-esteem and social capital and discover their purpose. To do this we: (a) Provide direct holistic support to people experiencing homelessness and empower them to transform their lives (b) Build community connections to increase collective understanding of homelessness and empathy towards the people who experience it (c) Stand up with those who lack the basic human right to safe housing


28 Dec 2021 - 30 Apr 2022


Varies (previous pop up stall locations include Gold Coast Tuen Mun and Lantau)





每週 4 小時

  • Saturday, 10:00am - 1:00pm
  • Saturday, 1:00pm - 5:00m
  • Saturday, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Sunday, 10:00am - 1:00pm
  • Sunday, 1:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Saturday, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Public Holidays,10:00am - 1:00pm
  • Public Holidays, 1:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Public Holidays, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
  • 活動策劃
  • 溝通
  • 客戶服務
  • 微軟辦公軟件
  • 行政援助
  • 項目協調
  • 任何程度
  • 學生
  • 一些經驗
  • 豐富經驗
  • 中文(廣東話)
  • 英文
Age Range


ImpactHK Limited




We work with people experiencing homelessness to help them settle in a safe home, restore their mental and physical wellbeing, build their self-esteem, increase their social capital and discover their purpose. To do this we provide direct holistic support to people experiencing homelessness and empower them to transform their lives. At the same time we build community connections to increase collective understanding of homelessness and empathy towards the people who experience it. We also address the systemic issues that cause the housing crisis and stand up with those who lack the basic human right to safe housing.

Pop Up Stall Assistant

4 hours per week, 4 個月

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