九龍區賣旗日義工(10月12日) Kowloon Region Flag Day Volunteer (12th October)

香港導盲犬協會需要招募3000名義工,歡迎你與朋友一起參與!Hong Kong Guide Dogs Association needs to recruit 3000 volunteers, we welcome you to join us with your friends!

10+ registered
九龍區賣旗日義工(10月12日) Kowloon Region Flag Day Volunteer (12th October)

Posted 6 個月 ago. Application closed.



  • 2024年10月12日(星期六),早上7時至中午12時15分於九龍區參與至少三小時賣旗活動 12th October 2024 (Saturday), 7am to 12.15pm, at least conduct a 3 hour Flag Selling activity in the Kowloon Region.
  • 義工需攜同協會之旗袋於九龍區進行賣旗籌款,完成後交回旗袋到指定旗站 Volunteers must bring the association's money collection bag for flag selling, and must return the money collection bags to designated flag day collection depots.
  • 九龍區賣旗,可選:油尖旺、深水埗、九龍城、黃大仙、觀塘 Can choose from the following districts for Kowloon Region Flag Selling: Yau Tsim Mong, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon City, Wong Tai Sin, Kwun Tong.
  • *義工若未滿14歲必須家長陪同參與 *Volunteers under 14 years old must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
  • 本會將為每位義工購買保險 The association will buy insurance for all volunteers.
  • 完成賣旗籌款之義工將會獲得紙質"義工嘉許狀"乙張 With the completion of Flag Day event, volunteers will receive a "Volunteer Service Award Certificate".
  • 領取及歸還旗袋之安排將稍候通知 Arrangements for the pickup and return of money collection bags will be informed later.

香港導盲犬協會於2011年成立,並立志提供國際認可和專業的服務犬,包括導盲犬及輔助治療犬。 每一隻導盲犬在服務前需要經過最少兩年訓練,當中所涉及的開支及投放的資源和心血是非常龐大。本會並沒有政府資助,所有導盲犬都是免費提供給視障人士。導盲犬及輔助治療犬可以順利進行培訓,全賴有你們的捐助和支持。現正招募大量賣旗義工,同時希望大眾慷慨解囊,一同為有需要的人士出一分力! Hong Kong Guide Dogs Association (HKGDA) was established in 2011, with the aim to provide internationally accredited and professional service dogs, including guide dogs and Animal-Assisted Intervention (AAI) dogs. Every guide dog must go through at least 2 years of training before service, and the number of resources and effort put into each dog is huge. As we are not subvented by the government, it is only with your donations and support are we able to provide training to our guide dogs and AAI dogs, and provide guide dogs to the visually impaired for free. We are now recruiting volunteers for our flag day, and we hope with your generosity, we can help those in need!


每位參與賣旗籌款之義工,凡時數滿2小時,在歸還旗袋後即可獲得"義工嘉許狀"乙張,以示感謝! To show our appreciation, all Flag Day volunteers who join for 2 hours will receive a "Volunteer Service Award Certificate" upon the return of the money collection bag.


每一分善款都將用於支持我們培養及訓練導盲犬及輔助治療犬,為有需要的人士提供更好的生活援助,我們衷心感激您的熱心參與。您的參與不但能為本會帶來寶貴的人力支援, 也能讓更多人認識導盲犬服務的重要性! Every penny donated is used to nurture and train our guide dogs and AAI dogs, providing better support to those in need. We sincerely appreciate your help. Not only does your involvement bring in much needed manpower, but it can also help more people understand the importance of guide dog services!


12 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024


九龍區 Kowloon Region




一共 3 小時

  • 2024年10月12日 (7am-12:15pm) 12th October 2024
  • 活動管理
  • 任何程度
  • 學生
  • 一些經驗
  • 豐富經驗
  • 中文(廣東話)
  • 英文
Age Range

No age requirement


Hong Kong Guide Dogs Association




Hong Kong Guide Dogs Association (HKGDA) was established in 2011, with the aim to provide internationally accredited and professional service dogs, including guide dogs and Animal-Assisted Intervention (AAI) dogs. HKGDA is a registered charitable organization under IRD Section 88 in Hong Kong (Registration Number 91/11219). Upon its establishment, HKGDA has been actively engaging in exploring and preparing the introduction of guide dog services to Hong Kong. In 2018, HKGDA has expanded its services and has started the program of Animal-Assisted Intervention (AAI) to serve a wider scope of people in need. Mission: To provide our service users with the best dog, quality training, support and care, as well as respect and inclusion.

九龍區賣旗日義工(10月12日) Kowloon Re...

3 hours in total, 一天

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