Assist with summer football class for 5-12 years old kids (協助教導5-12歲兒童暑期足球興趣班)
We are hosting a Summer Football Class at Tung Tau Industrial Area Playground for 5-12 years old kids. 暑期足球興趣班在元朗東頭足球場舉行,服務對象: 5-12歲對足球有興趣的兒童
We have a registered football coach to teach the children basic football techniques. 由註冊足球教練教授基本足球技巧,期望通過運動間的交流,促進社區共融
We hope to promote inclusiveness through sports. 通過運動間的交流,促進社區共融
07 May 2022 - 28 May 2022
Yuen Long (元朗公園遊樂場 / 水邊村足球場)
一共 8 小時
Agency Introduction: The Harmony House was established in 1985 as the first shelter for abused women and their children in Hong Kong. Today, we have developed into a one-stop anti-domestic violence service agency, with a wide range of preventive, therapeutic and developmental programmes to help families affected by domestic violence. We also organise community education programmes, promote harmonious and healthy family relationships, provide training to multi-disciplinary professionals and advocate for policies and legislations on behalf of victims of violence, their families and communities. Mission: 1. To tackle the social problems of domestic violence using diverse approaches, and promote harmonious and healthy relationships in families with a comprehensive range of preventive and therapeutic services. 2. To contact and reach out to families in need through counselling and crisis intervention. 3. To change the misconcept and incorrect attitude towards domestic violence through community education, impart appropriate knowledge and skills handle domestic violence.
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