Donate secondhand goods and join GOODS-CO to embrace secondhand culture!
Got some bowls, plates, outgrown children's goods, textbooks after graduation, camping gear, instruments that have gone silent, furniture no longer fitting your space, and last year’s Christmas gifts still waiting to be opened?Instead of letting these valuable goods end up in the landfill, breathe new life into them by donating secondhand goods to those in need through GOODS-CO, extend the stories and share the warmth. Join our #SecondhandGoodsDonation campaign to embrace secondhand culture! Register as a GOODS-CO individual user, donate your secondhand goods on our platform and share on social media! Join us in spreading the spirit of “Goods for Good”, and build a greener community for everyone!收藏已久的各式碗碟、曾陪伴孩子成長的兒童用品、畢業後不再需要的教科書、擺放已久的露營工具、沒有再練習的樂器、搬遷後不再合適擺放的傢俬,去年收到卻未曾使用的聖誕禮物……很多完好無缺的物品,你知道他們仍然充滿價值,所以一直不想送去堆填區。其實這些二手好物,你都可以透過GOODS-CO平台轉贈予有需要人士,令物品可以重新發揮價值,延續舊物故事,溫暖依舊循環。參加GOODS-CO #送出二手好物 活動,支持二手重用文化,同時減少浪費!註冊成為GOODS-CO個人用戶,刊登送出物品貼文再分享到社交媒體!一起發揮「物送其用」精神,攜手締造一個既關愛又可持續發展的社會。
Reduce waste and make a positive impact for our environment!減少浪費,為環保出一分力!
18 Dec 2024 - 27 Dec 2024
一共 3 小時
No age requirement
GOODS-CO is a one-stop secondhand goods matching platform, GOODS-CO encourages sharing usable resources and improves the quality of life of the needy! With support from The Hongkong Bank Foundation, St. James' Settlement launched GOODS-CO the one-stop secondhand goods matching platform in 2022. The platform focuses on environmental protection and poverty alleviation, striving to promote a culture of reusing secondhand items. We aim to alleviate the plight of the needy and enhance their quality of life. Individual users can donate or receive goods through GOODS-CO, turning usable resources into “Goods for good”! More than hundreds of companies, NGOs, churches, and schools have become partners of GOODS-CO. They donate useful secondhand goods to those in need, promoting the culture of sustainable development and contributing to environmental protection.
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