Volunteer Doctor, Any Medical Specialty (21 & 28 Sep, 2 & 23 Nov)

Looking for doctors to witness the signing of Enduring Power of Attorney and/or Advance Medical Directive for elderly

Volunteer Doctor, Any Medical Specialty (21 & 28 Sep, 2 & 23 Nov)

Posted 6 個月 ago. Application closed.



  • Join a 30 minutes call to learn more about our organisation and the event details
  • Witness Enduring Power of Attorney and/or Advance Directive for 10-15 elderly on our witnessing day on below 4 sections. You can choose to join all sections or either 1 section.
  • Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) will be conducted for the elderly prior to the witnessing day to ensure all elderly are capable of signing the document
  • Doctors are expected to have a Practising Certificate from Medical Council of HK and doctors from all specialty are welcomed
  • Doctors are ONLY to witness the documents and confirm the elderly’s capacity. You are NOT responsible for the content of the document
  • Locations: 屯門美中浸信會蝴蝶灣浸信會長者中心 (21 Sep); 油塘油麗邨基督教宣道會油麗長者鄰舍中心 (28 Sep); 黃大仙東頭邨可頤耆英鄰舍中心 (2 Nov); 大埔富善邨中華傳道會恩光長者鄰舍中心 (23 Nov)

AWEsum Care aims to promote advance care planning in Hong Kong and provides assistance to elderly individuals in preparing their advance care planning documents, including wills, advanced directives, and enduring powers of attorney. In particular, an enduring power of attorney allows individuals to appoint a trusted individual to manage their financial affairs in the event they lose capacity. The signing of an enduring power of attorney must be witnessed by both a medical doctor and a solicitor. We would like to corporate with a pro bono doctor to provide free witnessing service for the underprivileged elderly.If you wish to know more, welcome to look at the video of our previous witnessing day. (https://youtu.be/u0ZOVGFdQlg)


Prior to the witnessing day, the elderly participants would have signed a disclaimer acknowledging that the doctors are NOT providing medical advice related to the creation of the enduring power of attorney and Advance Directive. The doctor is NOT expected to sign an engagement letter either with the senior citizen or the social enterprise.


Despite Hong Kong having over two million people over the age of 60, only a few thousand enduring powers of attorney have been registered, which raises concerns about accessing patient assets to cover medical and living expenses. Free witnessing days help elderly to sign an enduring powering attorney which allows them to enjoy a better elder life.


21 Sep 2024 - 23 Nov 2024







一共 3 小時

  • 21 Sep 9am - 12nn
  • 28 Sep 9am - 12nn
  • 2 Nov 9am - 12nn
  • 23 Nov 9:30am - 12:30pm
  • 溝通
  • 活動管理
  • 醫療專業
  • 一些經驗
  • 豐富經驗
  • 中文(廣東話)
  • 英文
Age Range

No age requirement


DocPro Services Limited




Our mission is to promote and make Advance Care Planning documents (Will, Enduring Power of Attorney and Advance Directive) accessible to the people in need. In particular, our goal is to increase the penetration rate of these documents to help the ageing population in Hong Kong.

Volunteer Doctor, Any Medic...

3 hours in total, 2 個月

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