Ensure a smooth charity football tournament experience and create unforgettable moments for all participants
The exciting "Home And Away" charity football tournament returns! This year, Branches of Hope will host the Tournament on 11 October 2024 at King's Park, Kowloon. We aim to raise awareness and funds for refugees, asylum-seekers and human-trafficking survivors in Hong Kong. Our message conveys that while they are away from home and separated from their families, our city cares. We hope this event will provide a venue for the marginalized and vulnerable to enjoy football alongside various Hong Kong corporations, fostering genuine friendships. Furthermore, we aim to facilitate social integration across the city, where they feel cared for and experience a "Home away from Home", and everyone embodies the spirit of "Home together".
Guidelines will be provided and there will be a briefing session before the event.
This is a community engagement and fundraising event for Branches of Hope.
11 Oct 2024 - 11 Oct 2024
King's Park, Kowloon
一共 10 小時
No age requirement
Branches of Hope, founded in 2012, is a tax-exempt charity under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance to restore Dignity, Justice and Hope to the marginalised and vulnerable in Hong Kong. We are dedicated to bringing changes to the refugees, asylum-seekers (non-refoulement claimants) and human trafficking survivors communities through Care, Empowerment and Social Reform. Branches of Hope has two initiatives including Refugee Opportunity and Development (ROAD) and Stop Trafficking of People (STOP).
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