機構簡介 勵智協進會由一群智障人士、家長及義工於1989年組成,並於1991年註冊為非牟利慈善團體。本著「有所取亦有所給」的精神,大家共同策劃和分擔會務,積極參與,為智障人士而努力,以達致本會宗旨。 宗旨及使命 (一) 培養智障人士獨立生活的能力; (二) 團結智障人士及家長,互相幫助、支持; (三) 使社會認識及接受智障人士;及 (四) 爭取智障人士福利及權益。 Agency Introduction IDEAL was formed by a group of people with intellectual disabilities, their parents and volunteers in 1989 and was registered as a charitable organization in 1991. Aiming at the objectives and in the spirit of "GIVE and TAKE", the organization works actively for the people with intellectual disabilities. Mission & Objectives 1. To develop people with intellectual disabilities (PWID) with skills for independent living 2. To unite PWID and their parents for mutual assistance and support 3. To promote awareness and acceptance of PWID in society and 4. To advocate the rights and welfare of PWID.
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