Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation 童享慈善基金會

Hong Kong





Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation (HKCIN) envisages a society where every child is offered the opportunity to embark on diverse learning experiences beyond classrooms regardless of socio-economic status. Furnishing indigent kindergarten and primary school students with exposure to free play, music, sports, arts, and STEM, we are determined to create an ideal and all-round environment for them to flourish and unleash their full potential as successful adults in the future. 我們認為每個孩子,不論其家庭的社經地位,都應享有機會在課堂以外接受全人教育。我們致力為有需要的幼稚園和小學學生提供自由遊戲、音樂、體育、藝術和STEM方面的教育,並為他們建立理想的全方位學習環境,讓他們充份發揮自己的天賦潛能,將來貢獻社會。


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