HART Collective Limited

Hong Kong





HART is committed to the growth of future generations demonstrated by art and community engagements. Operated as a not-for-profit initiative, HART contributes to diverse communities through incubation of emerging artists, interdisciplinary exchanges, curated exhibitions, public programmes, international artist residencies, and studio programmes. With a focus on nurturing emerging talent and fostering cross-pollination among creative sectors, we support the local contemporary art ecosystem within the space of HART Haus, located at G/F, 3/F, 4/F of an industrial space in Kennedy Town. HART Haus, established in 2018, is our studio with over 30 artists-in-residence providing a platform to create, experiment, and exhibit their projects. Located near the University of Hong Kong, schools, and the Kwun Lung Lau public housing estate, HART Haus engages with local history and communities in artistic endeavours. Instagram: @harthongkong https://thehart.com.hk/


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