Extra Mile Charity Foundation, based in Hong Kong, is dedicated to helping vulnerable communities through the use of resources and technology. Our mission is to provide support and aid to those in need, fostering a more inclusive society. The foundation was established to assist marginalized groups, leveraging our resources and expertise to offer meaningful support and create a better world through charity and community care. 滿勳慈善基金設於香港,致力於通過資源和科技來幫助弱勢社群。我們的使命是為有需要的人提供支持和援助,推動更具包容性的社會。基金成立的目的是幫助社會上弱勢群體,利用我們擁有的資源和專業知識,提供實質支持,並通過公益和社區關懷共同創造一個更美好的世界。
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