Jessica W.已成為Inspiring Girls Hong Kong的Role Model Volunteer義工
We are a charity program that inspires and empowers girls to believe in their dreams by connecting them with amazing female role models. We are dedicated to raising the ambitions of girls (aged 10-18) by connecting them with female role models online and offline. Girls will be invited to join speed networking sessions with the role models and have access to a video hub - a free resource to allow them to watch inspirational interviews with women from a wide range of careers.
12 Sep 2022
Every business has a unique story worth telling. As a seasoned Strategic Communications and Public Relations professional based in Hong Kong, I am passionate about partnering with businesses of all sizes – from start-ups to large multinationals – to develop strategies that amplify their brand and strengthen their reputation. I have the privilege of working closely with a diverse range of clients, including both local and international businesses. My extensive knowledge of the Asia market allows me to provide tailored strategic insights and guidance to help companies maximize their potential in the region. Additionally, I collaborate with Australian-based businesses to develop and implement effective expansion strategies in the APAC region. In my role as Executive Director and Partner at Joint PR Consultants since 2017, I spearhead the company's strategic direction, cultivate new business opportunities, and nurture a forward-thinking, innovative company culture.
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