Clarchie S.已成為Books and Beyond Reading Club的[Mon] Interactive Storytelling Class Volunteer (Sau Mau Ping)義工
Books & Beyond Reading Club is a Hong Kong-based organization providing free innovative English learning programs for students of lesser means. By focusing on social-emotional learning, we nurture reading, writing & listening skills as well as self-identity and self-confidence, providing our students with the tools to succeed in and out of the classroom.
20 Feb 2024
My name is Clarchie (aka Clara). I am a Canadian born Chinese passionate about helping young children and youth. Interested in opportunities in storytelling and also open to Zoom or remote volunteer opportunities. Fluent in English Cantonese and Mandarin
Guide primary school students to perform role-play activities in Sau Mau Ping (Monday afternoons) ([Mon] Interactive Storytelling Class Volunteer (Sau Mau Ping) project)
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