
Ryan Y.已成為CarbonCare InnolabHome Visit Assistant 義工

CarbonCare Innolab

CarbonCare Innolab

Found in 2014, CarbonCare InnoLab (CCIL) is an NGO dedicated to nurture and expand the active communities, focusing on the youth and students in Hong Kong, and encouraging them to mitigate climate change and develop sustainable low-carbon lifestyle through innovation, education and action.


5 May 2022



Ryan Y.

Yuk Long (Ryan) Yip is a second-year Master's student at the University of Michigan’s School for Environment and Sustainability, specializing in Environmental Justice, Policy, and Sustainable Systems. He holds a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science with a minor in Biology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. As an early-career professional with a strong interest in the clean and renewable energy sector, focusing on community engagement, policy advocacy, and law, Ryan’s capstone project is dedicated to advancing energy sovereignty through technical analysis and community participation in Hawaii. In parallel with his academic coursework, he actively pursues early career opportunities. He serves as the Project Lead and Data Analyst Co-Lead in the Student Energy Career Training Program, where he conducts research on global sustainable workforce strategies and analyzes government policies in North America that support workforce transitions in clean energy. Outside of work, Ryan is an advocate for climate action. He co-founded the Hong Kong-based climate advocacy group "Climate Sense," engaging youth in global climate conferences, including COP27 & COP29.

CarbonCare Innolab需要幫助的項目:

Provide on-site support such as changing lightbulbs, photo-taking and data analysis during home visit (training provided) (Home Visit Assistant project)

Home Visit Assistant


  • 數據庫管理
  • 活動製作
  • 數據分析
  • 攝影
  • 社區外展
  • 行政援助











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