Wing Yin C.已成為EDiversity 教育大同的Graphic Designer義工
Founded in 2014, EDiversity is a parent-initiated charity promoting choices in education based on a respect of children’s diversity and needs. Our vision is a happy and fulfilling education for ALL. As parents, we have first hand experience of the stress and negative impact of exam-oriented education on our children and families. When many desperate parents in mainstream schools shared their worries, we decided to hold conferences to call for a rethinking in education. In the next 6 years, we evolved from a parent-focused organisation to a full scale education organisation supporting teachers, students, parents and educators. In 2016, we received funding from the Hong Kong Jockey Club to launch the groundbreaking ‘Learning by Doing’ Academy in local schools, bringing experiential learning experience to the students as well as the teachers of the school. Another milestone was the translating and publishing of the Chinese version of the Parenting for a Peaceful World which has led to the development of the parenting program supported by The D.H. Chen Foundation. Our work has been based on the belief that every child is different and that good education should be diverse, not standardized, to cater to individual needs. It is our mission to Transform Learning and enable choices through showcasing and experimenting possibilities in education.
15 Oct 2020
Help us design 4-5 posters which include tips for parents on supporting their children's development. (Graphic Designer project)
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