
Raymond Kar Kit T.已成為Festyle (Hong Kong) LimitedBrand Designer義工

Festyle (Hong Kong) Limited

Festyle (Hong Kong) Limited

Festyle is a social enterprise that aims at promoting women employment and empowerment, as well as healthy dining culture in Hong Kong. Festyle makes use of seasonal ingredients and housewives’ household wisdom to deliver ready-to-cook cuisine boxes, catering services, and workshops. City dwellers are pursuing a healthy lifestyle, yet the busy work schedule leaves them with insufficient time to take care of their fresh and healthy food demands. On the other hand, many housewives who have spent many years taking care of family are experienced and knowledgeable in food nutrition and cooking. However, there is a lack of opportunities to effectively utilize their skills and expertise, resulting in wasting the manpower and traditional wisdom of these homemakers. Festyle recruits experienced homemakers to design recipes and menus, purchase ingredients, and process them into ready-to-cook packages. We hope to help the busy city dwellers shorten the preparation time for dinner and satisfy their healthy dining wishes while providing tailor-made job opportunities for women to unleash their potential. Considering the nature of different ingredients and applying traditional wisdom, our women employees design seasonal menus and recipes. The dishes also incorporate some secret cooking skills and tips accumulated by them throughout the years. With prepared fresh ingredients and attached cooking tips to each cuisine box, even rookies can cook in a convenient and simple way, as well as enjoy the warmth of home cooking.


3 Sep 2021



Raymond Kar Kit T.

Festyle (Hong Kong) Limited需要幫助的項目:

Design a new logo, with fixed grid and future related design guideline (Brand Designer project)

Brand Designer


  • 品牌設計
  • 標誌設計
  • 品牌形象











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