Branding Guidelines Designer

[Example] Help us create our branding guidelines to standardise our promotional materials and increase brand recognition

Branding Guidelines Designer




  • [Example] Join us for a 30 minutes call to learn more about our objectives, expectations on the creative direction and our organization
  • [Example] Create a document of branding guidelines, including use of primary and secondary colours, fonts and logo
  • [Example] Create templates that we can use for various communication materials (i.e. social media, e-newsletter etc)
  • [Example] Share the working files with our team so we can continuously use the materials, ensuring consistency across all resources
  • [Enter other expectations you may have (e.g. Proficiency in a specific design application is required]

[Example] While we don’t have a standard branding guidelines yet, we have a logo, a few brand colours and fonts that we frequently use.


[Example] We need to revisit the existing brand design, creating a systematic guidelines to ensure that there is a brand consistency, and that it effectively communicates our mission. This will improve our brand awareness and recognition, in hopes to gain more support in our programmes and causes.



每週 5 小時

  • 品牌資產設計
  • 品牌開發
  • 平面設計

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