[Co'asis] Proposal Writing and Review

Review & Feedback


Based on my experiences on the philanthropy side, I'm happy to share my personal perspectives on:

  • Proposal writing practices
  • Feedback on any proposals from our peer nonprofits.


NOTE: This Call is available to members of Co’asis only.


Preferred Time

  • Mon-Fri 12:30 PM - 02:00 PM
Apply for Call

Preferred Time
  • Mon-Fri 12:30 PM - 02:00 PM

Apply for Call

About Alvin

Alvin W.
Senior Program Manager at The D. H. Chen Foundation
Hong Kong | Speaks English, Chinese

Dr. Alvin Wong is a Senior Program Manager of the Institute of Impact Strategy at The D. H. Chen Foundation, with a focus on its philanthropic efforts towards supporting capacity building in the nonprofit sector. He has also managed programs spanning a variety of topics such as health care and medical research, early childhood education, child development, and positive values education. Prior to his current role, Alvin was a health education specialist, and worked as a lecturer for undergraduate and graduate courses on health education, health behaviors, and program evaluation at the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He holds a doctorate in public health at the same university, with a research focus on investigating young adult alcohol use behaviors in Hong Kong. He underwent his undergraduate and master’s education at the University of Florida. Outside of his regular duties, Alvin currently serves on the board of HELP for Domestic Workers, and helps out as a member of the Program Committee at KELY Support Group. He has also contributed his efforts to several documents from the World Health Organization regarding mental health and substance use policies.

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