Founded in 2015, Empathy for the Elderly is committed to help Hong Kong rise above the challenge of an ageing population through the empowerment of older adults and promotion of inter-generational solidarity.
Elderly Life Storytelling
We are currently exploring elderly life storytelling and would love to learn from NGO peers on:
Elderly Service Partners
We deliver a wide variety of intergenerational experiential learning programmes, including immersive drama, expressive art therapy workshops, youtube broadcasting and an intergenerational baseball league.
We are looking for elderly service partners to diversify activities, let's have a chat to explore colloaboration!
NOTE: This Call is available to members of Co’asis only.
An accomplished social entrepreneur, who established Eldpathy in 2013, with a mission to cultivate an age-friendly Hong Kong. Eldpathy achieves this vision by offering immersive elderly simulation programs to schools, corporates, and NGOs, fostering greater empathy and understanding towards the elderly. Furthermore, a highly skilled certified public accountant with a proven track record in delivering comprehensive audit, tax, and consultancy services to a diverse range of clients. With expertise in serving SMEs, non-profit organizations, and social enterprises, this individual brings valuable insights and support to help these entities thrive.
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