Bagel Making with Vincent Lai, Founder of LY Bakery 享樂烘焙

Bagel Making with Vincent Lai, Founder of LY Bakery 享樂烘焙
Making Bagel with Vincent Lai (黎林鑫), the Founder of LY Bakery 享樂烘焙 and overall champion in the Hong Kong International Food Awards!


Vincent 從事烘焙行業已經有16年的時間。創辦了「享樂烘焙」 並擁有四家分店。在這段職業生涯中,他參加了日本鳥越製粉課程和到法國參加酥皮課程,不僅學到了豐富的烘焙技巧,也體驗了不同國家的烘焙文化。

Vincent曾經在新加坡國際烘焙之星錦標賽中榮獲季軍。在香港國際美食大賽中,獲得 THE BEST CLASSIC CROISSANT和THE BEST VIENNOISERIE CROISSANT & DANISH COMPETITION,更是獲得全場總冠軍。最近更於 BREAD IN THE CITY 全國大賽中得到第二名的佳積。這些比賽經驗不僅提升了他的技術水平,也讓Vincent更加熱愛烘焙。

在這次見面會上,Vincent將示範製作三款享樂暢銷的貝果 (原味貝果/藍莓乳酪貝果/大甲芋泥貝果),並提供食譜給參加者。 參加者將在見面會後瞭解製作貝果的基本方法,並可以在家中自行烘焙。參加者當日能參與部分製作過程,並帶走部分Bagel 作品(份量視乎當日情況而定)。

Bagel Making with Vincent Lai, Founder of LY Bakery 享樂烘焙
Bagel Making with Vincent Lai

4 Oct 7:30pm


Venue: San Po Kong. It will be conducted in Cantonese.


All volunteer hours must be completed during 1 Aug 2023 to 1 Oct 2024.

Cost per person is HK$150 to support the running costs of our charity and our mission to make volunteerism mainstream.

Please read our Late Cancellations & No Show Policy before applying:


Special thanks to LY Bakery for sponsoring the venue!

Bagel Making with Vincent Lai

4 Oct 7:30pm


Venue: San Po Kong. It will be conducted in Cantonese.


Coffee Tasting with Gary Au, Co-founder of UCR & Award-Winning Barista

Coffee Tasting with Gary Au, co-founder of Urban Coffee Roaster and multiple-time champion of both the Hong Kong Barista Championship and Hong Kong Coffee in Good Spirits Championship.

Dinner with Tim Ying, CEO of Octopus Holdings Limited

Dinner with Tim Ying, CEO of Octopus Holdings Limited, leading the Hong Kong-based, global financial technology pioneer in the region and overseas.

Woah there!

This experience has not started yet :) It will start on Aug 02, 2024


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