爾冬陞是香港電影導演、編劇、監製和演員。年輕時加入邵氏電影公司拍攝武俠片,後來加入電影幕後製作。他兩度獲得香港電影金像獎最佳導演及最佳編劇,並有多個提名作品,至今已創作了無數電影。 爾冬陞在17歲跟隨哥哥投身電影圈,並在1977年以《三少爺的劍》擔任主角成名。當時只有19歲的他已與狄龍、劉永等邵氏一線演員看齊,並在10年內主演了20多部電影,亦有參與過不少電影監製。 後來到1985年邵氏停產,他便一心專注至幕後工作。他在1986年首次執導,《癲佬正傳》一鳴驚人,並獲得第6屆香港電影金像獎最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳編劇的提名,票房及口碑更創下佳績。另外,1993年推出的文藝片《新不了情》更是爾冬陞的代表作,奪得第13屆香港金像獎最佳導演、最佳編劇等大獎。2005年,他更憑著《旺角黑夜》贏得香港電影金像獎的最佳導演、最佳編劇、香港電影金紫荊獎的最佳導演及其他獎項。 他執導的電影可分為文藝片與社會寫實片兩類,風格寫實,前者如《新不了情》、《忘不了》、《烈火戰車》、《真心話》,後者如《癲佬正傳》、《旺角黑夜》和《門徒》。
Derek Yee Tung Sing is a renowned film producer, director and a former Shaw Brothers actor from Hong Kong. Derek starred in over 40 movies in Hong Kong between 1975 and 1986, as an actor at Shaw Brother’s Studio. He then became a successful screenwriter and film director. To his credit, he has created many screenplays. At the age of 17, he followed his brothers and embarked on being an actor at the Shaw Brother’s Studio. He became a household name through his leading act in Death Duel in 1977. Since then, he participated in many different films for 20 years. Derek shifted to directing and film-making after the suspension of film production in Shaw Brother’s Studio. In 1986, his first directed film The Lunatics had been nominated for three awards in the Hong Kong Film Awards. Derek had also directed many masterpieces in the 1990s, like C’est la vie, mon chéri, Full Throttle, etc. Another classic piece was One Night in Mongkok, which won him the awards for Best Director and Best Screenplay in the Hong Kong Film Awards 2005. Derek’s directed pieces could be divided into two categories: literary films and social reality films, revealing the everyday lives of city dwellers.
All volunteer hours must be completed during 1 January 2020 to 5 June 2020.
Cost per person is HK$150 (Full-time students aged 25 or below)/ HK$250 (General Participants) to support the running costs of our charity and our mission to make volunteerism mainstream.
Dinner will be held at K11 ATELIER in Tsim Sha Tsui at 7:15pm-9:30pm on 16 June 2020. It will be conducted in Cantonese.
Cover photo credit: HKFAA
Special thanks to Felix Chong, Renowned Movie Director and Screenwriter, for nominating Derek!
This experience has not started yet :) It will start on Apr 12, 2020
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