Meet Simon Wong, Chairperson and CEO of LH Group (叙福樓集團)

Meet Simon Wong, Chairperson and CEO of LH Group (叙福樓集團)
Meet Simon, who expanded the Group beyond Chinese restaurants with brands such as Gyu-Kaku (牛角), On-Yasai (温野菜) and Mou Mou Club (牛涮鍋).


Graduated from The University of New South Wales, Simon is an entrepreneur with strong engineering background. He is currently the Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of LH Group (HKEx: 1978) and Kabushikigaisha Limited, operating over 10 famous restaurant brands including international brands Gyu-Kaku, On-Yasai and Yoogane. Simon has been recognized as Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Person 2011. He is currently the Chairman of Hong Kong Japanese Food and Cuisine Association and the President of the Institution of Dining Art.

He has been active in making innovative changes to the Food & Beverage industry, as well as promoting environmental-friendly and socially responsible policies. Simon created the 6-course wedding banquet menu (as opposed to the traditional 8-course menu) to reduce food waste; with WWF HK, he was the first to proactively offer “No Shark Fin” sustainable seafood wedding banquet menu in 2010, a milestone of collaboration between Chinese cuisine and environmental associations. He was also appointed as “Roadshow Eco Star” in 2013. After participating in the RTHK TV program ‘Rich Mate Poor Mate III’ in 2013 and has gained new insights on poverty, he initiated the ‘Suspended Meal’ scheme in Hong Kong, earning society-wide recognition. Additionally, Simon was elected as an “Honorary KIKISAKE-SHI SAKA-SHO (Sake Sommelier)” by the Sake Service Institute (SSI) in 2017 for his great contribution to the promotion and the development of Sake and Japanese culture. In 2018, he was appointed as an “Outstanding management leader” by the recruitment network Recruit.

He was appointed as an Adjunct Professor of the College of Business, CityU Hong Kong, in January 2019. Simon was appointed Justice of the Peace in 2014. His acting engagement in public service includes being the Chairman of Catering Industry Training Advisory Committee, the Non-Executive Director of Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority and Chairman of its Finance Committee. He is also the Vice-chairman of Employees Retraining Board, a member of Hong Kong Tourism Board, a member of Advisory Council on the Environment and a member of Food Business and Related Services Task Force, under the Business Facilitation Advisory Committee. To know more about Simon, please visit:

黃傑龍畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,為擁有深厚工程背景的企業家。現為叙福樓集團(股票編號: 1978)及株式會社有限公司主席及行政總裁,經營超過10個知名餐飲品牌,當中包括國際品牌牛角、温野菜及柳氏家。 為2011年十大傑出青年,現任「香港日本食品及料理業協會」主席及「稻苗學會」會長。


2019年1月,獲香港城市大學商學院委任為客座教授。 2014年獲政府委任為太平紳士。現任公職包括:餐飲業行業培訓諮詢委員會主席、強制性公積金計劃管理局非執行董事及財務委員會主席、僱員再培訓局副主席、扶貧委員會委員、香港旅遊發展局成員、環境諮詢委員會成員,以及方便營商諮詢委員會食物及相關服務業工作小組成員等。 「黃傑龍Simon - 窮富翁 好人好事」facebook專頁:

Meet Simon Wong, Chairperson and CEO of LH Group (叙福樓集團)
Zoom Chat with Simon

28 Sep 7:30pm


It will be conducted in Cantonese.


Cost per person is HK$50 (Full-time students aged 25 or below) / HK$100 (General Participants) to support the running costs of our charity and our mission to make volunteerism mainstream.

Zoom Chat with Simon

28 Sep 7:30pm


It will be conducted in Cantonese.


Meet Lo Chun Yip, Hong Kong Director and Actor

Meet Lo Chun Yip (盧鎮業), Hong Kong Movie Director and Actor

Coffee Tasting with Gary Au, Co-founder of UCR & Award-Winning Barista

Coffee Tasting with Gary Au, co-founder of Urban Coffee Roaster and multiple-time champion of both the Hong Kong Barista Championship and Hong Kong Coffee in Good Spirits Championship.

Woah there!

This experience has not started yet :) It will start on Dec 31, 2019


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