UX/UI Designer

Hep us with the UX/UI design of [e.g. 5 new pages of our [mobile app / website]

UX/UI Designer

Use This Project Template

Edit the details according to your needs and post this project.

Suggested Project Details

What the volunteer will do
  • Join us for a 1 hour call to learn more about objectives, functionality of our [mobile app / website] and our organization
  • [Example] Draft UX/UI designs for our [mobile app / website] using Sketch or Figma [or any software you prefer]
  • [Example] The branding guidelines, references and other resources will be provided to you to facilitate with your design process
  • [Enter other expectations you may have (e.g. UX/UI design experience is a plus)]
What you should provide the volunteer

[Example] Branding guidelines, references and the structure of the [app / website] will be provided.

Achieved Goals

[Example] We are launching our new project with our [app / website], and we need your help to make the design aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly!

Suitable Volunteer


5 hours per week

  • UX/UI Design
  • Web Design

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