Personal Development Mentor

Be a mentor to support [e.g. children aged 10-16] on personal development

Personal Development Mentor

Use This Project Template

Edit the details according to your needs and post this project.

Suggested Project Details

What the volunteer will do
  • Join us for a 1 hour call to learn more about the program and meet other mentors
  • [Example] You will be paired up with [e.g. one student] and attend [e.g. one mentoring session per month]
  • [Example] You'll be required to attend [e.g. 4 training sessions in a year]. The schedule will be provided later [OR through a link if there’s any]
  • [Example] Provide mentorship support to broaden mentees' ([e.g. aged from 10-16]) horizons, offer career inspirations, and assist in building up self-esteem and resilience, providing guidance and companionship as a part of the personal development program
  • [Enter other expectations you may have (ex. specific background requirements of the mentor)]
What you should provide the volunteer

[Example] Program guidelines, training and resources on topics [e.g. such as financial planning, communication skills, life planning etc.] will be provided to our mentors.

Achieved Goals

[Example] This program facilitates grassroots children to grow by developing a positive learning and working attitude for and youths in the long run, as well as significantly improving their social skills, problem-solving abilities, resource management and future planning. The project ultimately aim to promote upward mobility of grassroots households.

Suitable Volunteer


3 hours per month

  • Mentorship
  • Coaching

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