Campaign Brand Designer

Help design a logo and branding guidelines for a new long-term [e.g. anti-stigma] campaign

Campaign Brand Designer

Use This Project Template

Edit the details according to your needs and post this project.

Suggested Project Details

What the volunteer will do
  • Join us for a 30 minutes call to learn more about our campaign objectives, expectations on the creative direction and our organization
  • [Example] Create a mood board for logos
  • [Example] Develop 3 logo drafts for initial review
  • [Example] 3-4 iterations of logo of choice
  • [Example] Develop brand guidelines (e.g. font, colour codes etc.) for the campaign
  • [Enter other expectations you may have (e.g. Proficiency in a specific design application is required]
What you should provide the volunteer

[Example] Information on the campaign will be provided, including videos of our beneficiaries’ stories. You’ll be working with our Communication Director who will provide more guidance and any information you require.

Achieved Goals

[Example] This campaign will help our organization [e.g. remove the stigma around mental health in Hong Kong]. A well designed campaign will help us resonate and connect more with our target audience.

Suitable Volunteer


25 hours in total

  • Brand Asset Design
  • Brand Design
  • Marketing
  • Brand Development
  • Graphic Design

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