Digital Marketing Support

Provide support in developing and implementing digital marketing strategies for [your objective (ex. your program launch / fundraising)]

Digital Marketing Support

Use This Project Template

Edit the details according to your needs and post this project.

Suggested Project Details

What the volunteer will do
  • Join us for a 1 hour briefing call to learn more about our digital marketing objectives and our organisation
  • Advise the team on digital marketing strategies, including channels, budgeting, planning
  • Check in with the team bi-weekly through a 30-minute Zoom call to track progress and revise next steps
What you should provide the volunteer

[Example] Our team and Digital Marketing Advisor will be working closely with you, providing you with guidance on next steps, access to relevant accounts and other support you may require.

Achieved Goals

[Example] Creating online awareness and engagement is crucial for us to reach out to new audiences, while keeping our existing stakeholders updated and excited.



Suitable Volunteer


4 hours per month

  • Content Creation
  • Social Media Ad Campaign Set Up
  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing

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